Thursday, July 2, 2009


For Mothers' Day, Camillia (a client from about a month ago) wanted to take some girl pictures with her mom and sisters. We went to the absolutely lovely International Peace Gardens. I knew it existed, but had never been there before. I couldn't believe that after living in Salt Lake City my whole life it took meeting some girls for a photo shoot to finally check it out.

I enjoyed taking these since this family was so fun. But you want to know one of my little secret obsessions? I LOVE taking individual portraits. I am always blown away when people look up at my lens and I finally get to focus on just them, and I am usually surprised by how beautiful they are. With this crew it was totally like that for me.


Anonymous said...

Awww. . . these turned out GREAT! Thanks so much & good work yet again :)

angelicindy said...

What a beautiful family! I love the picture of them together on the ground in their corridinating outfits but you still got a peek of their shoes... and their individual personalities. Awesome!