Friday, June 18, 2010


When Amanda and Matt hired me they told me that they really just wanted non-posed pictures. So after their ceremony we took just a few minutes so I could take some photographs of just the two of them. They are still not really posed pictures, because I just told them to stand and just be with each other. Now, isn't the car the coolest? It is actually owned by Matt's grandfather and Matt's mom drove in this same car on her wedding day! I loved the sentimental aspect of the car almost as much as I loved taking pictures of the car on a big mountain hill.

Because we didn't have a formal family photo session, I tried to take single portraits at the reception of almost everyone in the family. Here are some of my favorites.


Christy said...

I LOVE these!! I think these might be my favorite wedding ones you've taken. I love the car and how you used it. I especially love the last one of them with their reflection in the mirror. Amazing!!

angelicindy said...

What a lovely family! And the car is AWE-SOME :)