Monday, March 15, 2010


I am again honored to be able to participate in the Idaho Falls Mayor Scholarship Award. This is such a great program that offers scholarships to great kids that might not stand out for typical types of scholarships or financial aid. Each year, the kids that win are honored at a huge banquet and it ends up being a big confidence boost for each student. A past recipient that spoke last year at the banquet shared her story of how she didn't think that she was really smart enough to finish college, but after winning this scholarship she realized that people believed in her, and she is now doing really well in her college classes.

I take each recipient's picture that will then be displayed in the program with their bio. These are some of my favorites.

Now, I couldn't use this one for the program, but I LOVED IT. I just had to share it somewhere. Thank heavens for the blog!

1 comment:

angelicindy said...

It's a wonderful scholarship and opportunity. I'm so glad to see your pictures. On a side note, I'm so silly, but I think the cement in the background is so cool! I love how it's so detailed and then blurs out. In my humble opinion, Michelle, I think it really adds something special to the portraits :)