So I did the most hilarious thing while at the temple. See, I had never met Christy's friend before, and so obviously did not know what she looked like. Her family was among some of the people waiting for brides to come out of the temple, so we assumed that she would be the next bride coming out. Here walked out this adorable bride with red hair and Christy told me it wasn't her friend, but I was too nuts about getting her picture to notice. It didn't throw me off that Christy wasn't taking any pictures or that her other old roommates were nowhere to be found. When the hubbub of this bride coming out of the temple calmed down, Christy finally made it clear to me that it WASN'T her friend. She assumed I had heard her and that I didn't care. I am sure that family is still wondering who that crazy girl at the temple was who was up front just snapping away pictures of their bride. Either way, I got some amazing pictures of her, and I meant to give her my card, but lost track of her. So here they are--the mystery bride and groom pics:
Also, I took this shot while waiting for Christy to get out of the sealing. I dug how this old man was just sitting watching all the people.
For the cover of the program we shot one of the recipients in a graduation cap and gown, and had her hold out the medallion that each of the scholarship winners receive. We wanted to use one of the winners, but didn't want you to be able to tell who it was. Overall I thought they turned out so fun, and here are my favorite options.
I'm a published photographer who has been taking pictures at weddings and of happy families on non-wedding days since 2009. I've recently taken down my website to simplify my life but I am still available for hire almost always!
Single Portrait Session: $100 Family Portrait Session: $150 and up Wedding Coverage $450 and up
You receive all edited images on a disc with rights to those images. Please contact me anytime with any additional questions, I think you'll find that I'm generally terribly friendly.
801.599.6781 OR michellesallayphotography at gmail dot com
Just about anyone can simply take a picture. However, a photographer sees art in real life, and creates an image that makes live art permanent.That is what I try to do every time I pick up my camera.
I want to take your picture.
I collect friendships.
I would rather be too hot than too cold.
I am not shy, but sometimes I wish I was. It might keep me from saying stupid things.
I love shoes, but hate feet.
I should be cleaning my bathroom right now.
I love fancy hotels.
My husband is a spelling bee champion and edits all my posts.
I like to believe that magicians are really using magic.
I love weddings!
I enjoy dressing my daughter in an outfit I would wear.
I hate new furniture. Most everything I own is at least 100 years old.
I love a good sale. I never pay retail for anything.